1. Wallets
  2. Web3auth



Wallet module for connecting Web3auth to Web3 Onboard.



See the Web3auth Docs for the extensive list of options. For troubleshooting web3Auth errors, framework, polyfill, etc please see the official Web3Auth troubleshooting docs.


        import Onboard from '@web3-onboard/core'
import web3authModule from '@web3-onboard/web3auth'
import { EthereumPrivateKeyProvider } from '@web3auth/ethereum-provider'
import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES } from '@web3auth/base'

const privateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
  config: {
    chainConfig: {
      chainId: `0xAA36A7`,
      rpcTarget: `https://rpc.sepolia.org/`,
      chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
      displayName: 'Sepolia',
      blockExplorerUrl: 'https://sepolia.etherscan.io',
      ticker: 'ETH',
      tickerName: 'Ether',
      logo: 'https://images.toruswallet.io/ethereum.svg'

// must access via http://localhost:8080 to be whitelisted
const web3auth = web3authModule({
  privateKeyProvider: privateKeyProvider,
  web3AuthNetwork: 'sapphire_devnet'

const onboard = Onboard({
  // ... other Onboard options
  wallets: [
    //... other wallets

const connectedWallets = await onboard.connectWallet()



        import type { Web3AuthOptions, ModalConfig } from '@web3auth/modal'
import type { CustomChainConfig, OPENLOGIN_NETWORK_TYPE } from '@web3auth/base'
type Web3AuthModuleOptions = Omit<Web3AuthOptions, 'chainConfig'> & {
  chainConfig?: Partial<CustomChainConfig> & Pick<CustomChainConfig, 'chainNamespace'>
  modalConfig?: Record<string, ModalConfig> | undefined
   * Web3Auth Network to use for the session & the issued idToken
   * @deprecated use web3Auth native Z-Index config through
   * uiConfig.modalZIndex
  loginModalZIndex?: string

interface Web3AuthOptions extends Web3AuthNoModalOptions {
   * web3auth instance provides different adapters for different type of usages. If you are a dapp and want to
   * use external wallets like metamask, then you can use the `DAPP` authMode.
   * If you are a wallet and only want to use you own wallet implementations along with openlogin,
   * then you should use `WALLET` authMode.
   * @defaultValue `DAPP`
  authMode?: 'DAPP' | 'WALLET'
   * Config for configuring modal ui display properties
  uiConfig?: Omit<UIConfig, 'adapterListener'>

interface UIConfig {
   * App name to display in the UI.
  appName?: string
   * Logo for your app.
  appLogo?: string
   * theme for the modal
   * @defaultValue `auto`
  theme?: 'light' | 'dark' | 'auto'
   * order of how login methods are shown
   * @defaultValue `["google", "facebook", "twitter", "reddit", "discord", "twitch", "apple", "line", "github", "kakao", "linkedin", "weibo", "wechat", "email_passwordless"]`
  loginMethodsOrder?: string[]
   * language which will be used by web3auth. app will use browser language if not specified. if language is not supported it will use "en"
   * en: english
   * de: german
   * ja: japanese
   * ko: korean
   * zh: mandarin
   * es: spanish
   * fr: french
   * pt: portuguese
  defaultLanguage?: string
   * Z-index of the modal and iframe
   * @defaultValue 99998
  modalZIndex?: string
   * Whether to show errors on Web3Auth modal.
   * @defaultValue `true`
  displayErrorsOnModal?: boolean
   * number of columns to display the Social Login buttons
   * @defaultValue `3`
  loginGridCol?: 2 | 3
   * decides which button will be displayed as primary button in modal
   * only one button will be primary and other buttons in modal will be secondary
   * @defaultValue `socialLogin`
  primaryButton?: 'externalLogin' | 'socialLogin' | 'emailLogin'
  adapterListener: SafeEventEmitter


Build Environments

For other build env configurations and setups please see the Build Env section here

Webpack 4

Node built-ins are automatically bundled in v4 so that portion is handled automatically.

web3auth will require a Babel to compile from es6 if not already supported. See config for Babel and Webpack4 as follows

npm i --save-dev @babel/cli @babel/core @babel/node @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining @babel/plugin-syntax-bigint @babel/register AND npm i babel-loader


        module.exports = (api) => {
  const plugins = [
  return { plugins }



        config.module.rules = [
    test: /\.js$/,
    exclude: (_) => !/node_modules\/(@web3auth|@ethereumjs)/.test(_),
    loader: 'babel-loader'