1. Getting Started
  2. Theming

Getting Started


To customize the color theme of web3-onboard and match it with your dapp, you can choose from the available native themes ('default', 'dark', 'light', 'system') or create a custom theme using a ThemingMap object and our Theming Tool walkthrough.

Available Themes

To set the color theme of Web3 Onboard to one of the available native themes, import Web3 Onboard from @web3-onboard/core and pass the theme as a string to the theme init option.

theme description
'default' default theme
'dark' dark mode
'light' light mode
'system' automatically switch between 'dark' & 'light' based on the user's system settings


        import Onboard from '@web3-onboard/core'

const onboard = Onboard({
  theme: 'dark'
  // other options like wallets, chains, appMetaData, etc.



In the table below, you'll find a list of css variables that you can use to theme Web3 Onboard.

variable description
--w3o-background-color background color
--w3o-foreground-color foreground color
--w3o-text-color text color
--w3o-border-color border color
--w3o-action-color buttons and links
--w3o-border-radius border radius

Custom Theme

To create a custom theme, you can define a ThemingMap object with CSS variables for different components of Web3 Onboard. Pass this object as the theme option.

        import Onboard, { ThemingMap } from '@web3-onboard/core'

const customTheme: ThemingMap = {
  '--w3o-background-color': '#f0f0f0',
  '--w3o-foreground-color': '#333',
  '--w3o-text-color': '#fff',
  '--w3o-border-color': '#ccc',
  '--w3o-action-color': '#007bff',
  '--w3o-border-radius': '5px'

const onboard = Onboard({
  theme: customTheme
  // other options like wallets, chains, appMetaData, etc.


Dynamically Update Theme with API

updateTheme is an exposed API method for actively updating the theme of Web3 Onboard. The function accepts Theme types (see below). If using the @web3-onboard/react package there is a hook exposed called updateTheme

The function also accepts a custom built ThemingMap object that contains all or some of the theming variables


        import Onboard from '@web3-onboard/core'

const onboard = Onboard({
  theme: 'dark'
  // other options like wallets, chains, appMetaData, etc.

// after initialization you may want to change the theme based on UI state

// or

const customTheme: ThemingMap = {
  '--w3o-background-color': '#f0f0f0',
  '--w3o-foreground-color': '#333',
  '--w3o-text-color': '#fff',
  '--w3o-border-color': '#ccc',
  '--w3o-action-color': '#007bff'


Theme Types

        export type Theme = ThemingMap | BuiltInThemes | 'system'

export type BuiltInThemes = 'default' | 'dark' | 'light'

export type ThemingMap = {
  '--w3o-background-color'?: string
  '--w3o-foreground-color'?: string
  '--w3o-text-color'?: string
  '--w3o-border-color'?: string
  '--w3o-action-color'?: string
  '--w3o-border-radius'?: string


Theming Tool

You can preview how Web3 Onboard will look on your site by using our theming tool to customize the look and feel of Web3 Onboard. You can try different themes or create your own and preview the result by entering a URL or adding a screenshot.

To do this:

  • Head over to our theming tool
  • Drop a screen shot or enter the URL of your site
  • Switch between the built in themes using the control panel in the lower left corner
  • To customize, select 'custom' and click the different circles to change the color
  • Copy the output theme and use as the value to the theme prop within the onboard config or within the updateTheme API action ( see API action)

    Pro tip: use the toggle to disable the backdrop and select the eye dropper after clicking a color circle to match the color of your site perfectly

Follow along with the video below:


note: not all sites allow iframe injection, if this is the case for your site use a screenshot