1. Modules
  2. Gas



A module for requesting streams or single requests of gas price estimates from the Blocknative Gas Platform API.

Supports both Ethereum Mainnet and Polygon Mainnet gas pricing.

BN Gas
priority fee
max fee
99% probability
BN Gas
priority fee
max fee
95% probability
BN Gas
priority fee
max fee
90% probability
BN Gas
priority fee
max fee
80% probability
BN Gas
priority fee
max fee
70% probability
Ethers.js Gas
priority fee
max fee


Standalone Setup

        import gas from '@web3-onboard/gas'

// subscribe to a single chain for estimates using the default poll rate of 5 secs
const ethMainnetGasBlockPrices = gas.stream({
  chains: ['0x1'],
  endpoint: 'blockPrices'

const { unsubscribe: ethGasUnsub } = ethMainnetGasBlockPrices.subscribe(
  estimates => console.log(estimates)

// .... sometime later, unsubscribe to stop polling
setTimeout(ethGasUnsub, 10000)

// OR you can subscribe to multiple chains at once:
const gasBlockPrices = gas.stream({
  chains: ['0x1', '0x89'],
  apiKey: '<OPTIONAL_API_KEY>',
  endpoint: 'blockPrices',
  // can override default poll rate as well
  poll: 1000

const { unsubscribe } = gasBlockPrices.subscribe(estimates =>
  // block inclusion confidence options: 70, 80, 90, 95, 99
  console.log(bnGasPrices.find(gas => gas.confidence === 90))

// .... sometime later, unsubscribe to stop polling
setTimeout(unsubscribe, 10000)

// Can also just do a one time get rather than a stream
const gasBlockPrices = await gas.get({
  chains: ['0x1', '0x89'],
  apiKey: '<OPTIONAL_API_KEY>',
  endpoint: 'blockPrices'


Usage with Web3-Onboard wallet Connect and Ethers.js

This example assumes you have already setup Web3 Onboard to connect wallets to your dapp. For more information see web3-onboard docs.

        import gas from '@web3-onboard/gas'
import { ethers } from 'ethers'

// Set provider using the Web3-Onboard wallet.provider instance from the connected wallet
// if using ethers v6 this is:
// ethersProvider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(wallet.provider, 'any')
let provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(wallet.provider, 'any')
let bnGasPrices

const ethMainnetGasBlockPrices = gas.stream({
  chains: ['0x1'], // '0x89' can also be added/replaced here for Polygon gas data
  endpoint: 'blockPrices'

ethMainnetGasBlockPrices.subscribe(estimates => {
  bnGasPrices = estimates[0].blockPrices[0].estimatedPrices

const gweiToWeiHex = gwei => {
  return `0x${(gwei * 1e9).toString(16)}`

const sendTransaction = async () => {
  if (!toAddress) {
    alert('An Ethereum address to send Eth to is required.')

  const signer = provider.getUncheckedSigner()

  // define desired confidence for transaction inclusion in block and set in transaction
  // block inclusion confidence options: 70, 80, 90, 95, 99
  const bnGasForTransaction = bnGasPrices.find(gas => gas.confidence === 90)

  const rc = await signer.sendTransaction({
    to: toAddress,
    value: 1000000000000000

    // This will set the transaction gas based on desired confidence
    maxPriorityFeePerGas: gweiToWeiHex(
    maxFeePerGas: gweiToWeiHex(bnGasForTransaction.maxFeePerGas)


Build Environments

For build env configurations and setups please see the Build Env section here

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