1. Wallets
  2. Particle Network


Particle Network

Wallet module for connecting Particle Network to web3-onboard



See the Particle Network Docs for the extensive list of options.


        import Onboard from '@web3-onboard/core'
import particleModule from '@web3-onboard/particle-network'

const particle = particleModule({
  projectId: 'YOUR PROJECT ID',
  clientKey: 'YOUR CLIENT KEY',
  appId: 'YOUR APP ID'
  // Can also add wallet object + preferredAuthType for further customization

const onboard = Onboard({
  // ... other Onboard options
  wallets: [
    //... other wallets

const connectedWallets = await onboard.connectWallet()



 * Enumerates the supported authentication types.
type AuthTypes = 'email' | 'phone' | 'google' | 'apple' | 'twitter' | 'facebook' | 'microsoft' | 'linkedin' | 'github' | 'twitch' | 'discord';

 * Interface that describes the preferred authentication type.
 * @property {AuthTypes} type - The preferred type of authentication.
 * @property {boolean} setAsDisplay - Indicates whether the type should be displayed within the UI.
interface PreferredAuthType {
  type: AuthTypes;
  setAsDisplay: boolean;

 * Options for initializing the Particle Auth module.
 * @property {string} projectId - Particle Network project ID.
 * @property {string} clientKey - Particle Network client key.
 * @property {string} appId - Particle Network application ID.
 * @property {string} [chainName] - (Optional) Specifies the name of the blockchain. Handled automatically if left blank.
 * @property {number} [chainId] - (Optional) Specifies the blockchain's numeric ID. Handled automatically if left blank.
 * @property {object} [wallet] - (Optional) Configuration for the wallet.
 * @property {AuthTypes | PreferredAuthType} [preferredAuthType] - (Optional) Specifies the preferred type of authentication.
interface ParticleAuthModuleOptions {
  projectId: string;
  clientKey: string;
  appId: string;
  chainName?: string;
  chainId?: number;
  wallet?: object;
  preferredAuthType?: AuthTypes | PreferredAuthType;