typeWalletConnectOptions={/** * Project ID associated with [WalletConnect account](https://cloud.walletconnect.com) */projectId:string/** * Defaults to `appMetadata.explore` that is supplied to the web3-onboard init * Strongly recommended to provide atleast one URL as it is required by some wallets (i.e. MetaMask) * To connect with walletconnect */dappUrl?:string/** * List of Required Chain(s) ID for wallets to support in number format (integer or hex) * Defaults to [1] - Ethereum */requiredChains?:number[] |undefined/** * List of Optional Chain(s) ID for wallets to support in number format (integer or hex) * Defaults to the chains provided within the web3-onboard init chain property */optionalChains?:number[] |undefined/** * `undefined` by default, see https://docs.walletconnect.com/2.0/web/walletConnectModal/options */qrModalOptions?:EthereumProviderOptions['qrModalOptions']/** * Additional required methods to be added to the default list of ['eth_sendTransaction', 'personal_sign'] * Passed methods to be included along with the defaults methods - see https://docs.walletconnect.com/2.0/advanced/providers/ethereum#required-and-optional-methods */additionalRequiredMethods?:string[] |undefined/** * Additional methods to be added to the default list of ['eth_sendTransaction', 'eth_signTransaction', 'personal_sign', 'eth_sign', 'eth_signTypedData', 'eth_signTypedData_v4'] * Passed methods to be included along with the defaults methods - see https://docs.walletconnect.com/2.0/web/walletConnectModal/options */additionalOptionalMethods?:string[] |undefined/** * Optional function to handle WalletConnect URI when it becomes available */handleUri?:(uri:string)=>Promise<unknown>)
import Onboard from'@web3-onboard/core'import walletConnectModule from'@web3-onboard/walletconnect'const wcInitOptions ={/** * Project ID associated with [WalletConnect account](https://cloud.walletconnect.com) */projectId:'abc123...',/** * Chains required to be supported by all wallets connecting to your DApp */requiredChains: [1],/** * Chains required to be supported by all wallets connecting to your DApp */optionalChains: [42161,8453,10,137,56],/** * Defaults to `appMetadata.explore` that is supplied to the web3-onboard init * Strongly recommended to provide atleast one URL as it is required by some wallets (i.e. MetaMask) * To connect with WalletConnect */dappUrl:'http://YourAwesomeDapp.com'}// initialize the module with optionsconst walletConnect =walletConnectModule(wcInitOptions)// can also initialize with no options...const onboard =Onboard({// ... other Onboard optionswallets: [ walletConnect//... other wallets ]})const connectedWallets =await onboard.connectWallet()// Assuming only wallet connect is connected, index 0// `instance` will give insight into the WalletConnect info// such as namespaces, methods, chains, etc per wallet connectedconst{ instance }= connectedWallets[0]console.log(connectedWallets)